Below are some of the frequently asked questions about our products.
1. Do you ship your live starter long distances?
Although we can recommend our starter will survive being shipped across Australia we recommend purchasing the dried starter option if you order from overseas.
Once the dry starter is active, it will be maintained just as you would maintain a live starter.
2. What do I need to feed my sourdough starter with?
The starter culture is fed with either plain flour or baker's flour and chlorine free water. Tap water will kill the microbes in the starter due to the chlorine. Tank water can be used to feed your starter. Always check the chlorine content of any water you feed your starter with. Some bottled water still contains chlorine.
3. Do you bake in the banneton?
The banneton is only for rising the sourdough. You tip the dough out of the bannton just prior to baking, it provides a form for the sough to rise in.
4. Is sourdough gluten free?
No. Sourdough is not gluten free although for non-celiac's sourdough is better tolerated by the gut due to the long fermentation process.
5. Do your kits and sourdough starters include instructions on how to keep the starter alive?
Yes. Our kits and sourdough starters include specific instructions on how to keep them alive and healthy. Our starter is over 15 years old and a very resilient culture.